Creating, Modifying and Deleting User-defined Views

This task explains how to create, modify and delete user-defined views. 
Note that user-defined views are stored with the document.
Insert the platform.model document from the samples folder.
  1. Select the View->Named Views... command and double-click the desired view.

  1. Adjust the different view parameters (zoom, rotation, etc.) as desired.


  1. Click the Add button to add the view to the list.
    The default name of the view is Camera 1.

  1. Rename the view as required and press Enter.


You now see a 3D viewpoint representation in the geometry area. The 3D representation is a viewport that helps you to define what you want to see in the view. What you see inside the viewport can then be stored in your view.

Use the two spheres and the two squares displayed in green on the 3D representation to interactively manipulate and position the camera:

  • the source point (1) rotates the camera around its target point
  • the target point (2) rotates the camera around its source point
  • the source green square translates and rotates the camera around its target point
  • the target green square translates and rotates the camera around its source point


  1. Manipulate the 3D representation to define your view parameters.

  2. In the Named Views dialog box, click the Properties button to access the Camera Properties dialog box.

  1. Double-click anywhere on the 3D representation to apply the view parameters, and click Apply to perform the changes to your view.

  2. If you want to modify any customized view you have already saved, select it, modify the view parameters again, then click the Modify button.

You can delete views by selecting the view from the list and clicking the Delete button.
You can view the object from the reverse angle by clicking the Reverse button.