This task shows you how to view the contents of the cache.
For information on working with a cache system, see
Working with a Cache System. The cache system is managed via the
Cache Management tab in the Options dialog box. For more information, see
Cache Management.
V4 cache is supported in V5 via symbolic links.
A DMU Navigator document is open. |
Select the Tools -> Cache Content command.
The Cache Content dialog box appears listing the contents of the local
Information such as whether or not the cache system is
turned on, the current cache used and the maximum cache size is also given
in the dialog box.
To select the cache directory whose contents you wish to
review, click the Cache directory selection button and select
the desired cache directory from the proposed list.
By default, the contents of the local cache are shown.
To choose the file type of the viewed content, click one
of the three radio buttons:
To sort the cache contents on one of the attributes
(reference file, last write access, file name in cache, cache timestamp),
click the gray bar containing the attribute name.
To delete files from the cache, select the files to be
deleted (all multi-select possibilities can be used) and click the
Delete Cache files button at the lower-left of the panel.
Click Close when done.