Inserting a Document from a Webpage


You can now insert a 3D document that is referenced in a Webpage into the DMU Navigator.

The visualization takes into account user-defined positions and the name of the product into which it will be inserted.

This functionality is only supported for the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
  • Mozilla 1.4 with the Java Plug-in 1.3.1-08 
A DMU Navigator session and the backbone connection must be launched.
A document to be inserted must be accessible from the DMU Navigator session, i.e. it must either be local to the session or accessible via HTTP.


Supported document types are those which can be inserted in a product (CATPart, model, cgr).


Technical architecture

The browser must contain:

  • Links with the appropriate syntax
  • A Java applet

When the user clicks on a link, the java applet establishes a connection with DMU Navigator (using Backbone) in order to send all requested information.

Link description

  • Mandatory, Name of the document
  • Mandatory, Path of the document :local path or HTTP URL
  • Optional, ID of document: user-defined ID unique for each document, in order to differentiate the instances of the same document. If the same is always used, the instance of the previous loaded document is replaced.
  • Optional, Name of the product in DMU Navigator. If the product already exists in the DMU session, then the document is inserted in this product. If the product does not exist, then a new product is created with the appropriate name. If this option is not specified, the document is inserted in the product currently active in DMU.
  • Optional, Position of the document : the position is defined by 12 doubles (3x3 matrix and 3x1 vector), identity matrix if nothing is specified.

Java Applet Description


  1. Port number for communication with local CATSysDeamon process (Backbone process).


  1. Establish a Backbone connection with DMU Navigator (which is already launched)
  2. Insert the document in the appropriate product (target product or active product, depending on the link)
  3. Set the correct position (if necessary)

A signed applet is delivered for the browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or Mozilla 1.4 with the Java Plug-in 1.3.1-08

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or Mozilla with the Java Plug-in 1.3.1-08

The applet jar name is PPRCatiaV5LightApplet.jar.

Sample html page:

<APPLET code="com.dassault_systemes.catweb.ApplicationDriver.CATIAV5Services.light.
DMUV5LoadAppletJ2" codebase="path" name="dmuload">
<PARAM NAME="PortNumber" VALUE="55555">
<PARAM NAME="dmuflag" VALUE="*local*">
<PARAM NAME="archive" VALUE="PPRCatiaV5LightApplet.jar">

<INPUT type="button" value="clickhere"
onclick="dmuload.load('MyProduct', 'E:\\MyDoc.CATPart', 'mydocuid', 'mydocname',
'[ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]');">

Additional Information

The arguments in bold are the ones you have to specify to load a document.

codebase is :

  • the relative path of the cab or the jar applet file (stored in the DMU installation directory) compared with the HTML page
  • or the full path of the cab or the jar applet file (stored in the DMU installation directory)
  • or the http path of the cab or the jar applet file


  • For Internet Explorer, the full path has the following form: 'E:\MyInstall\intel_a\multios\intel_a\jar'

  • For Mozilla, the full path has the following form: 'file:///E:/MyInstall/intel_a/multios/intel_a/jar'

  • The PortNumber parameter is the TCP port on which the connection is established with the backbone.
    Generally, the port is 55555 but it could be different on some computers. If this is the case, for instance with Windows, you have to open the file system32\drivers\etc\Services
    in the Windows directory and specify in your HTML page the port actually affected to catiav5bb.