Directly Insert a DMU document from the Windows Explorer


It is now possible to double-click on your .model, .cgr and .CATPart documents in the  Windows Explorer and have your document automatically inserted into a DMU Navigator session.


During the installation of ENOVIA DMU on Windows, registries are modified in order to offer the following options for data of types .model , .CATPart , and .cgr :


  • Open - open the 2D data in the DMU 2D workbench (default)
  • Insert - insert the 3D data under the root of the current Product (a CATProduct is created if no Product is currently open)
  • Print - applies default option and print 


  • Open - not possible in ENOVIA DMU
  • Insert - insert the CATPart in the current product
  • Print - applies default option and print


  • Insert - insert the 3D data in the current product (default)
  • Print - applies default option and print 


Whereas before the default behavior activated when double-clicking an entity of the above three types was to open a new window in your DMU session containing the entity, it is now possible to implement Insert as the default behavior.

  1. To implement Insert as the default behavior for types .model and .CATPart ,  go to the directory %install_path%\code\bin and double-click the file DMUInsert.exe .
    The registry is updated accordingly.

  2. To insert an entity of one of the above data types into a DMU session, activate the DMU session window into which the entity should be inserted and double-click the entity in your Windows Exploring window.