Accessing Data in a PDM Database


The following are the different parameters you need to define when accessing data in a PDM database using the batch processes CATDMUUtility, CATDMUUtility2D and CATDMUBuilder.

Common Parameters
Accessing an ENOVIAVPM Database in Connect Mode
Accessing an ENOVIAVPM Database in Server Mode
Accessing an ENOVIA V5 VPM  Database
Accessing a SMARTEAM Database


Common Parameters

-db  : Input database type: { VPM | VPMServer | ENOVIAV5 | TeamPDM } : For processing data stored in a PDM database.

The type of the database must follow the -db option:

  • VPM for ENOVIAVPM database in connect mode
  • VPMServer for ENOVIAVPM database in server mode
  • ENOVIAV5 for ENOVIA V5 VPM database
  • TeamPDM for SMARTEAM database

-user     : user name identifier for a database connection. Only used with the -db option. If no user or a blanc is required, the option must not be used.

-pwd      : password of the user for a database connection. Only used with the -db option. If no user or a blank password is required, the option must not be used. Not used with -spwd option.

-spwd cryppwd : Enables user to specify an encrypted password when connecting to a database. Only used with the -db option. Not used with -pwd option. See Encrypting a Password for Accessing Data in a PDM Database.

-server srv  : logical name of the database server (defined in settings). Only used with the -db option. Its use is mandatory to establish the connection with the database.



Accessing an ENOVIAVPM Database in Connect Mode

Connect access mode is applicable for CATDMUUtility, CATDMUUtility2D and CATDMUBuilder.
In connect access mode, you can access documents saved in ENOVIAVPM , e.g. models and CATParts.

-db VPM : To define the ENOVIAVPM database. The value must be VPM.

Command line examples:

CATDMUUtility -db VPM -server srv -user usr -spwd ***

CATDMUUtility -db VPM -user $user_db -pwd $pwd_db -server $server_name
-coid $coid_nb -compid $compid_nb -cattab $table_name -catenv $env_name
(if you want to tessellate into cgr)
or -cache (if you want the outputfile into the cache)


Note: If -server option exists without corresponding parameter, VPM is assumed.
The following is the form of a VPM UID to be used for the CATDMUUtility2d batch:


You can see:

  • the VPM environment name (VPMENV)
  • the table in which documents are stored (DOCUMENT)
  • the document COID and COMPID
  • the document extension

Windows example for CATDMUUtility2D:

catstart -run "CATDMUUtility2D -id UID/Classic+VPM1/VPMENV/CATCON++#VPMENV++#DOCUMENT++++
-cgm E:\tmp\dxf.cgm -db VPM -user vpmadm15 -pwd vpmadm15 -server bubk1dsy" -direnv C:\Documents and Settings\ctt\Application Data\DassaultSystemes\CATEnv -env LocalEnvR13.txt

UNIX example for CATDMUUtility:

catstart -run "CATDMUUtility -db VPM -coid 414198927EC21390 -compid 414198927EC21391 -cattab CATIA_MODEL -catenv VPMENV -user vpmadm15 -pwd vpmadm15 -server bubk1dsy -cgr -cache" -direnv /home/data/CATEnv -env LocalEnvR13

Accessing an ENOVIAVPM Database in Server Mode

Server access mode is applicable for CATDMUBuilder only.
In server access mode, you can access meta-data (e.g. Product Structure data .psn and .CATVpm documents) in addition to documents accessible in connect access mode.

-db VPMServer : To define the ENOVIAVPM database. The value must be VPMServer.

-role role : To define the ENOVIAVPM role.

If a VPM organization is needed, it has to be declared with the role using the following syntax -role myrole[myorg]. Important: There should not be any spaces between the role value and the organization value.

  -host host_machine : to define the UNIX server on which a ENOVIAVPM server will be launched, thereby enabling access to a UNIX ENOVIAVPM from a Windows machine. This option is only used when the CATDMUBuilder batch job is launched from a Windows machine.
  Command line examples:

-db VPMServer -server srv -user usr -spwd *** -role xxx
-db VPMServer -server srv -user usr -spwd *** -role xxx -host yyy


Configuring the ENOVIAVPM Server to enable the Windows client access in Server Mode

It is necessary that your ENOVIAVPM Administrator do the following in order that you can access the ENOVIAVPM database:



The client machine must be configured as if it was a standard machine used for 3d com / DMU interoperability through either db2 client or oracle client; it means that the user on Windows is able to load data from ENOVIAVPM  into DMU through 3d com i.e. by using the CATIA V5 / Load menu from 3d Com.


Environment setup

On the Windows client
  1. De-activate the variable CATIAV5_PORTALVPM=1 (used for interoperability between 3d com / ENOVIAVPM / DMU) and replace it by: CV5_VPM_XCONT=1 .

  2. The variable HTTP_SERVER=the_server_name must be kept.

  3. A dedicated communication port must be declared:

  • Edit the file : C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\services
  • Add the line : catcom 3001/tcp
    Note that the port number can be changed.
On the UNIX server
  1. A dedicated communication port must be declared:

  • Edit the file /etc/services
  • Add the same previous line (the same line as you added for the dedicated communication port on the Windows client).
    Note that the port number must be the same.
  1. On the UNIX server, log as ENOVIAVPM administrator.

  2. Find on your ENOVIAVPM installation the location of the JS0TLN module
    (it is used for communication between the client and server), e.g. /V15/cfgPTF15/code/steplib/JS0TLN .

  3. Type JS0TLN .

Under the root user account perform the following modifications:

  1. cp /V15/cfgPTF15/code/steplib/JS0TLN /My_directory/JS0TLN

  2. chmod ug+s /My_directory/JS0TLN

  3. To check the modification: ls -al /My_directory/JS0TLN     -r-sr-sr-x 1 root system

On the UNIX server:

  1. Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf

  2. Add the line catcom stream tcp nowait nobody /My_directory/JS0TLN JS0TLN
    -secured /My_directory/MySecurity.txt

where MySecurity.txt is a text file describing the security management (see the syntax below)

Note that the modification inside /etc/inetd.conf file is not dynamically taken into account; to make it active:

  1. ps -ef | grep inetd

  2. kill -1 xxxx


Security management on the UNIX server

Access is controlled by the file MySecurity.txt .

Here are the different parameters you can use in this file:

Keyword Meanings

  • LogFile: Log file
  • Log: All Log of all JS0TLN activities
  • HostAddr: IP address of the Windows client
  • RemoteUser: Logon used on the client side
  • Local User: Logon used on the server side (one client per line)

Example 1:


All users logged on this client will be authorized to launch the batch.

Example 2:

HostAddr='' RemoteUser='HHH' LocalUser ='vpmadm'

Access is authorized for user HHH, from only one machine and the user HHH is mapped as vpmadm on the server

Example 3:

RemoteUser='HHH' LocalUser ='vpmadm'

Access is authorized for user HHH, from any client, mapped as vpmadm on the server.

Tip: since the Windows user will try to execute the ENOVIAVPM shell, it is recommended to map the Windows user as an ENOVIAVPM user.

Final Considerations

  1. The CATDMUBuilder launched from Windows will try to execute on the server side an ENOVIAVPM shell called (shell name must not be changed).

This shell must be in the $PATH variable of the ENOVIAVPM user declared in the mapping (Ex: /V15/vpmadm/code/bin)

  1. In addition, the client needs to know the location of this shell on the server. This is done through an environment variable which has to be declared on the client machine:

set CV5VpmStart=/V15/vpmadm/code/bin

  1. The shell has to be created by the ENOVIAVPM administrator and can look as follows:

!# /bin/ksh
if [ -f $HOME/.profile ] ; then
. $HOME/.profile
. /V15/vpmadm/env/ >/tmp/traces 2>&1
export GlobalVPMServer=1
VX0SERV >>/tmp/traces 2>&1

WARNING: When launching the CATDMUBuilder batch job from a Windows machine, it is imperative to export the variable GlobalVPMServer=1 before launching the VX0SERV process.

  1. The following are examples of a CATDMUBuilder used in server mode for treating a CATVpm file:


catstart -direnv C:\Documents and Settings\ctt\Application Data\
Dassault Systemes\CATEnv -env LocalEnvR15.txt -run "CATDMUBuilder
E:\tmp\CATVPM -db VPMServer -user vpmadm -spwd vpmadm -server server_name -role VPMADMIN -host antonydsy -product E:\tmp"

where E:\tmp\CATVPM is a directory containing the CATVpm file to be treated and where server_name is the name of the server defined in the ENOVIAVPM interoperability settings (Tools -> Options -> Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> ENOVIAVPM tab -> click Database Administration icon).

UNIX: -direnv /CATEnv -env CATIA.V5R15.B15.txt -run "CATDMUBuilder
/tmp/CATVPM -db VPMServer -user vpmadm -spwd vpmadm -server server_name -role VPMADMIN  -product /tmp"

where /tmp/CATVPM is a directory containing the CATVpm file to be treated and where server_name is the name of the server defined in the ENOVIAVPM interoperability settings (Tools -> Options -> Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> ENOVIAVPM tab -> click Database Administration icon).

  1. The following are examples of a CATDMUBuilder used in connected mode for treating a CATProduct:


catstart -direnv C:\Documents and Settings\ctt\Application Data\
Dassault Systemes\CATEnv -env LocalEnvR15.txt -run "CATDMUBuilder
E:\tmp\CATProduct_directory -db VPM -user vpmadm -spwd vpmadm -server server_name -force -product E:\tmp"

where E:\tmp\CATProduct_directory is a directory containing the CATProduct to be treated and where server_name is the name of the server defined in the ENOVIAVPM interoperability settings (Tools -> Options -> Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> ENOVIAVPM tab -> click Database Administration icon).

UNIX: -direnv /CATEnv -env CATIA.V5R15.B15.txt -run "CATDMUBuilder
/tmp/CATProduct_directory -db VPM -user vpmadm -spwd vpmadm -server server_name -force -product /tmp"

where /tmp/CATProduct_directory is a directory containing the CATProduct to be treated and where server_name is the name of the server defined in the ENOVIAVPM interoperability settings (Tools -> Options -> Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> ENOVIAVPM tab -> click Database Administration icon).

When using server mode to access an ENOVIAVPM database, DMU needs to know the attributes of the ENOVIAVPM objects. This is done by adding the variable GLOBAL_$ATTRIBUTES_TO_LOAD in the VPM profile, e.g.




Accessing an ENOVIA V5 VPM Database

-db ENOVIAV5 : To define the ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

-role role : To define the ENOVIA V5 VPM user role.

-serverid id : Enables access via an existing connection, as opposed to launching a server. (This method is faster, as the time spent waiting for the server to be launched is by-passed.)

The access method depends on the existence of a connection to database:

  • Connection does not exist: you must launch a server. The command line is:
    -db ENOVIAV5 -server srv:port -user usr -spwd *** -role xxx
  • Connection exists: you can reuse the server. The command line is:
    -db ENOVIAV5 -server srv -serverid xxx

To generate a Universal ID, see Generating a Universal ID.

Command line example:

CATDMUUtility -db ENOVIAV5 -server srv:port -user username -spwd password -role role -id UID/ENOVIA/default/Universal_ID_of_the_data (generated with UniversalIDGenerator function) -cgr (if you want to tessellate into a cgr) $output_file_path or -cache (if you want the outputfile to be placed in the cache)


Accessing a SMARTEAM Database

db TeamPDM : To define the SMARTEAM database.

-serverid id : There is no server capability associated with SMARTEAM, however the utility expects this parameter, so you must specify -server none.

The command line is:
  -db TeamPDM -server none -user usr -spwd ***

To generate a Universal ID, see Generating a Universal ID.