The objective is to allow the reading of the V4 Cache from
a V5 session in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of cache data and
thereby support a smooth transition from V4 4D Navigator to V5 DMU
Navigator / 3d com. The operation is done in three steps:
- Run the CATDMUV4CacheForV5 to export a V4 Cache Content
file into a text file
- Run the CATSys4DcacheMigr , using the previously generated
text file as input, to create symbolic links from the V5 cache to the
tessellated documents in the V4 cache directory
- Whenever new DLNames are added to the V4 Cache, run
CATSysDLExport to update these DLNames for the V5 Cache
This batch process is only available on Unix. |
Run CATDMUV4CacheForV5 each time the V4 cache
is modified.
CATDMUV4CacheForV5 DataCacheContent MappingFile.txt
DataCacheContent: Complete path of the V4 Cache file to be
MappingFile.txt: Output text file containing
information that will be passed to the following command in the process,
It reads the DataCacheContent, retrieves the list of files, their
location and location of reference files, and stores this information in
the output file MappingFile.txt given as an argument.
Each time V4 cache is modified, run
CATSys4DCacheMigr using the output from CATDMUV4CacheForV5
For a more accurate management of timestamps, you should define read
access on all filename models before running CATSys4DCacheMigr
CATSys4DCacheMigr MappingFile.txt V4_Cache_Path
V5_Cache_Path ReportFile.txt [DLNames.txt]
MappingFile.txt: Output of CATDMUV4CacheForV5
V4_Cache_Path: Path of 4D Navigator Cache
V5_Cache_Path: Can be either an already filled cache path
or a new one
ReportFile.txt: Output log file
DLNames.txt: Optional output, pre-formatted template file
for V5 DLName definition.
It creates symbolic links in the V5 cache and a template file (DLNames.txt)
for CATSysDLExport (step 3 below).
Do not forget to reference the V5 Cache path in the V5
Tools -> Options -> Infrastructure -> Cache Management tab. |
Each time there are new DLNames added in the V4 Cache
- edit the DLNames.txt template to instantiate the
location of the DLNames
- run CATSysDLExport to update the DLNames
CATSysDLExport -admin -i DLNames.txt -r ReportFile.txt
DLNames.txt: Output of CATSys4DCacheMigr
ReportFile.txt: Output log file
It creates or updates V5 DLNames to be compliant with V4 DLNames.
For more information concerning DLNames, see the DMU Navigator
Installation and Administration User's Guide,
Administrating Data Using the DLName Mechanism.