Exporting Section Results

You can save section results in a variety of different formats using:

  • The Export As command. This command is particularly useful for exporting results to CATIA V4.

  • The Export and Open command. This command allows you to export your sectioning result in Enovia V5 VPM.
    Note: Make sure you are connected to Enovia V5 VPM ( Click Connect in the ENOVIA V5 VPM Navigator toolbar).

  • The Capture command.

Also read:

This task illustrates how to export sectioning results in a number of different formats using the Export As and Export and Open commands. 

Insert the following cgr files: ATOMIZER.cgr, BODY1.cgr, BODY2.cgr, LOCK.cgr, NOZZLE1.cgr, NOZZLE2.cgr, REGULATION_COMMAND.cgr, REGULATOR.cgr, TRIGGER.cgr and VALVE.cgr.

They are to be found in the online documentation filetree in the common functionalities sample folder cfysm/samples.


  1. Select Insert > Sectioning from the menu bar, or click Sectioning in the DMU Space Analysis toolbar and create the desired section plane, slice or box and corresponding section.

  2. Click the Result tab in the Sectioning Definition dialog box.

  3. Click Export As I_ExportAsP2.gif (321 bytes).The Save As dialog box appears.

  4. Specify the location of the document to be saved and, if necessary, enter a file name. 

  5. Click the Save as type drop-down list and select the desired format.

    You can save sectioning results as:

    • a V4 model (.model)

    • a V5 CATPart (.CATPart)

    • a V5 CATDrawing (.CATDrawing)
      In this case, polylines are generated. Note also that the axis system corresponds to that of the section plane.

    • DXF and DWG formats (.dxf/.dwg)

    • a STEP document  (.stp)

    • an IGES document (.igs)

    • a Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) document (.wrl).

  6. Click Save to save the results in a file in the desired format.

    Note: If you set the DLName document environment (Tools > Options > General > Document) as your current environment, clicking Export As will open the DLName dialog box instead of the usual Save As dialog box.

    The DLName document environment lets you restrict the access to specific folders referenced by logical names referred to as 'DLNames'. Each folder is assigned a logical name. In this mode, you can only access documents in folders referenced by DLNames.

    For more information on the DLName document environment, see the Infrastructure User's Guide.

  7. Repeat step 1 to step 2.

  8. Click Export and Open.
    The Export and Open dialog box appears.

  9. Select the type of document to be open and exported. The two following document types are available:
    • Part: the contents of a CATPart document. The sectioning results are saved in a CATPart document under the form of sketches that can be used to create to new features.
    • Drawing: the contents of a CATDrawing document. The sectioning results are saved in a CATDrawing document.

  10. Click OK.
    The document is open in session.
    Part  Drawing

  11. Click Save in Enovia V5 VPM .

  12. Exit the Sectioning command when done.

More About the resulting CATPartTop

For each element sectioned, a topologically correct polyline is generated under a sketch contained in a geometrical set. Each polyline is obtained by interpolating all the points making up the element sectioned. The resulting polyline may not be smooth and is made of several topological domains which are not linked together.


These polylines (contained in sketches) can then be used, for example, to create features:

  • Select Update to update your CATPart document.

  • Create your feature, for example a pad.

Note:  Section result colors are exported when section results are saved as CATPart documents.

Working with a Cache SystemTop


If you are working with a cache system, you must select the Save lineic elements in cgr check box to be able to properly save your section result in V4 model, V5 CATPart, STEP, IGES, and VRML formats.

This will save wireframe section results. If you do not do so, the document will be empty.

Save lineic elements in cgr option is located in the General box of the Cgr Management tab,
Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Product Structure


  Even if the Wireframe elements cut check box is selected in Tools > Options > DMU Sectioning tab, the cut results of lineic elements (points) are not saved in the exported document (Export As I_ExportAsP2.gif (321 bytes) command).