Exploding an Assembly

You can explode a product in New Scene context without affecting the original product.
You've created an Enhanced Scene.
  1. Double-click Scene.1 either in the specification tree or in the geometry area.
    The context is changed to the Enhanced Scene context.

  2. Select Product.1 and click the Explode icon I_ExplodeP2.gif (249 bytes).
    The Explode dialog box appears.

    Note that if the assembly is assigned coincidence constraints (axis/axis, plane/plane), the Explode can take these constraints into account by use of the Explode type "Constrained".

  1. Click the Apply button.

  1. Click the Exit Scene icon I_CloseP2.gif (214 bytes) to swap to Assembly context.

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) For more details about explode functionality, see the DMU Fitting Simulator User's Guide.