
Message Function Question Function

Message Function    

Displays a message in an information box. The message can include one or more parameter values.

The unit used to valuate a Parameter takes into account the unit which has been set in Tools > Options > General > Parameters and Measures > Units tab. i.e. Message(#,3mm) is displayed as "3mm".

However, if you specify  Message(#,3mm+2mm)the resulting unit will be displayed as a real number that is to say "0.005". Furthermore, if you specify Message(#,-2mm) the resulting unit will be also displayed as "-0.002".


Message(String [# String1  # String2 ..., Param1Name, Param2Name, ...] ) : Void

The Message function takes one required argument and several optional arguments depending on whether parameter values are to be displayed in the message.

Arguments Description
String Required. String to be displayed in the information box (must be put in quotes).
# String1, Param1Name... Optional. When parameter values are to be displayed within the message, the arguments must be specified as follows:
  • one string in quotes including a  #  symbol wherever a parameter value is to be displayed
  • as many [, parameter name] statements as parameter values declared with a "#" in the message.

Use the "|" symbol to insert a carriage return in a message.

Example 1

Message("External radius is: # | Internal Radius is: #", 

Example 2

Note that this function can be used along with the buildMessageNLS function

Message (BuildMessageNLS("KwrCATCatalog.CATNls","Zero"))


Note that you can use the Message function together with the BuildMessageNLS function for your question to display in your language. To use this function, use the following syntax:

Message(BuildMessageNLS ("x","xx",a,b))

  • x corresponds to the name of the CATXXX.CATNls file where you will find the NLS message (it is the CATXXX name without the CATNls extension).
  • xx corresponds to the key name in this catalog.
  • a and b are the arguments (values that will be replaced in the message)
Messages returned by the Message operator are returned only at the end of rules executions. The order in which they are returned is identical to the order in which they were sent. It is the only way to make sure that messages are not displayed twice.

Question Function   

Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for you to click a button and returns a value indicating which button you clicked (true if Yes was clicked, false if No was clicked)


Question(String [# String1  # String2 ..., Param1Name, Param2Name, ...] ): Boolean

The Question function takes one required argument and several optional arguments depending on whether parameter values are to be displayed in the message.

Arguments Description
String Required. String to be displayed in the dialog box (must be put in quotes).
# String1, Param1Name... Optional. When parameter values are to be displayed within the message, the arguments must be specified as follows:
  • one string in quotes including a  #  symbol wherever a parameter value is to be displayed
  • as many [, parameter name] statements as parameter values declared with a "#" in the message.

Use the "|" symbol to insert a carriage return in a prompt.


Boolean2 =
Question("SketchRadius is # | Do you want to change this value ?",
PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius )
Note that you can use the Question function together with the BuildMessageNLS function for your question to display in your language. To use this function, use the following syntax:

question(BuildMessageNLS ("x","xx",a,b))

  • x corresponds to the name of the CATXXX.CATNls file where you will find the NLS message (it is the CATXXX name without the CATNls extension).
  • xx corresponds to the key name in this catalog.
  • a and b are the arguments (values that will be replaced in the message)
Questions launched by the Question operator are executed only when parsing the evaluation.

Trace Function  

Enables you to write information in a file for debugging purposes for example. To do so, valuate the CATKnowledgeTracePath variable (for example, set CATKnowledgeTracePath=E:\Temp\CATKnowledge_UserDefined.txt). If the variable is empty, the default name of the trace file is CATKnowledgeTrace_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.txt. This file is located in the CATTemp directory (For example: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\DassaultSystemes\CATTemp\CATKnowledgeTrace_2005-8-8_16-28-20.txt).


Trace(level:Integer, message:String, argument:Literal, ...) : VoidType


Note that:


Trace(Integer.1 , "MyMessage... Param1: #, Param2: #", Integer.1, String.1)

The generated .txt file looks like the one below:


When CATIA translates a value with a given unit into a real number, the conversions done are based on MKS International system. For example, a real number conversion of length in "mm" are performed by "m" (for Meter).