This task shows how to analyze the draft angle on a surface.
The Draft Analysis command enables you to detect if the part you drafted
will be easily removed. |
- This type of analysis is performed based on color ranges identifying
zones on the analyzed element where the deviation from the draft
direction at any point, corresponds to specified values.
These values are expressed in the unit as specified in Tools >
Options > General > Parameters > Unit tab.
You can modify them by clicking on their corresponding arrow or by
entering a value directly in the field.
- The mapping texture accuracy depends of the video card used.
Therefore, colors displayed on surfaces could be wrong according to the
color scale, when the value displayed on the fly is right because the
analysis is recomputed at the cursor location.
Sometimes, in the case of extremely closed values, it is recommended to switch
to the Quick mode to improve the color display accuracy.
- The maximal draft analysis accuracy is 0.1 deg. According to the
graphic card performance, this accuracy can be debased.
- The different mapping analyses of the same surfaces cannot be
displayed simultaneously, even if you have set the mapping analyzes in no
show. You need to visualize them one after the other.
This command is only available
Open the
FreeStyle_12.CATPart document.
- The visualization mode should be set to Shading With Edges
in the View > Render Style command
- The discretization option should be set to a maximum: in Tools
> Options > Display > Performances, set the 3D Accuracy >
Fixed option to 0.01.
- Check the Material option in the View > Render Style
> Customize View command to be able to see the analysis results on
the selected element. Otherwise a warning is issued.
- Uncheck the Highlight faces and edges option in Tools
> Options > Display > Navigation to disable the highlight of the
geometry selection.
- OpenGL shader technology can be used with this functionality, please
refer to the Infrastructure Installation Guide documentation
for more details on software & hardware prerequisites: Software
Requirements. See Performance setting.
- The different mapping analyses of the same surfaces cannot be
displayed simultaneously, even if you have set the mapping analyzes in no
show. You need to visualize them one after the other.
Select a surface.
Click the (Feature) Draft Analysis icon:
The Draft Analysis dialog box is
displayed. It gives information on the display (color scale), the draft
direction and the direction values.
The Draft Analysis.1 dialog box showing the color scale and
identifying the maximum and minimum values for the analysis is displayed
too. |
Mode option
The mode option lets you choose between a quick
and a full analysis mode. These two modes are completely independent.
The default mode is the quick mode. It simplifies the analysis in that it
displays only three color ranges. |
Double-click on a color in the color scale to display the
Color dialog box in order to modify the color range.
Exit the dialog box.
Double-click on the value in the color scale to display
the Value Edition dialog box.
Enter a new value (negative values are
allowed) to redefine the color scale, or use the slider to position the
distance value within the allowed range, and click OK.
The value is then frozen, and displayed in a
green rectangle.
The color scale settings (colors and
graduated values) are saved when exiting the command, meaning the same
settings will be applied when you will edit a draft analysis. New
settings are created with each new draft analysis.
When the draft angle value of the surface is
equal or smaller than a graduated value, the color below the graduated
value is applied.
When the draft angle value of the surface is
greater than the greatest graduated value, the color above this
graduated value is applied.
Exit the dialog box.
Display option
Uncheck the Color Scale checkbox to hide the
Draft Analysis.1 dialog box, this dialog box only appears in
edition mode.
Activate the On the fly checkbox and move the
pointer over the surface. This option enables you to perform a local
Arrows are displayed under the pointer,
identifying the normal to the surface at the pointer location (green
arrow), the draft direction (red arrow), and the tangent (blue arrow). As
you move the pointer over the surface, the display is dynamically updated.
Furthermore, circles are displayed indicating
the plane tangent to the surface at this point. |
The displayed value indicates the angle between
the draft direction and the tangent to the surface at the current point.
It is expressed in the units set in using the Tools > Options >
General > Parameters > Units tab. |
The On the fly
analysis can only be performed on the elements of the current part. |
Note that you can activate the On the fly
option even when not visualizing the materials. It gives you the
tangent plane and the deviation value. |
Click the No Highlight
Representations button
to set the display option of highlight effect sources as "on/off".
When checked "On" the surfaces are selected but they will not be seen in
the specification tree.
Click the
Light effect
and set the display option of light sources
as "off/on".
Click the Inverse
button to automatically
reverse the draft direction.
When several elements are selected for analysis,
the draft direction is inverted for each element when the button is
clicked. |
In case of an obviously inconsistent result, do
not forget to invert locally the normal direction via the Inverse
button. |
The manipulator on the draft direction allows
you to materialize the cone showing the angle around the direction:
Right-click the cone angle to display the Angle
Tuner dialog box.
When you modify the angle using the up and down
arrows, the value is automatically updated in the color scale and in the
geometry. |
Note that you cannot modify the angle below the
minimum value or beyond the maximum value. |
Full mode:

Quick mode:

Right-click the Direction vector to display the
contextual menu.
From the contextual menu you can:
Hide/show the cone.
Hide/show the angle.
Hide/show the tangent.
Lock/unlock the analysis position.
Keep the point at this location, this command
is P2-only
A Point.xxx appears in the specification tree.
By default the analysis is locked,
meaning it is done according to a specified direction: the compass w axis.
In P1 mode, the default analysis direction is the general document
axis-system's z axis. |
Click the Locked direction icon
, and select a direction (a line,
a plane or planar face which normal is used), or use the compass
manipulators, when available.
Click the Compass icon
to define the new current
draft direction.
The compass lets you define the pulling
direction that will be used from removing the part.
You can display the control points by clicking
the Control Points
icon, yet the draft analysis is still visible, then allowing you to check
the impact of any modification to the surface on the draft analysis.
Once you have finished analyzing the surface, click
OK in the Draft Analysis dialog box.
The analysis (identified as Draft Analysis.x) is
added to the specification tree. The persistency of the draft analysis is
P2-only. |
Note that settings are saved when exiting the
command, and redisplayed when you select the Draft Analysis
icon again.
Be careful, when selecting the direction, not
to deselect the analyzed element.
A draft analysis can be performed just as well
on a set of surfaces.
If an element belongs to an analysis, it
cannot be selected simultaneously for another analysis, you need to
remove the current analysis by deselecting the element to be able to use
it again.
In some cases, even though the rendering style
is properly set, it may happen that the analysis results are not visible.
Check that the geometry is up-to-date, or perform an update on the
involved geometric elements.
The analysis results depend of the current
object. May you want to change the scope of analysis, use the Define in
Work object contextual command.