Elec_DistanceCommon |
Syntax |
Elec_DistanceCommon(Wire1: Wire, Wire2:
Wire):Length |
Example 1 |
The Elec_DistanceCommon user function can be used in Knowledge Expert to find all the couples of wires in the session that have a common length greater than a given value. |
Example 2 |
In Knowledge Advisor, it can be used to define a rule giving the common length of two specific wires sharing properties. |
Applying the rule displays the following message if the condition is met: |
Example 3 |
Still in Knowledge Advisor, to verify that two wires selected in the specification tree have a common length, the following action can be defined: |
then select two wires in the specification tree and click OK to validate. |
The following message displays: |
DistanceWireProduct |
Syntax |
DistanceWireProduct(Wire1: Wire,
Object: Product):Length |
Example 1 |
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be used with the f(x) command to display the distance between a wire and a component in the session. |
This formula returns the following value: |
Example 2 |
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be
used in Knowledge Expert to find all the wires in the session that have a
minimum distance to defined components smaller than a critical value chosen
by the user. The components can be defined as heat-resistant. |
and to the wires: |
A check is defined as follows: |
Updating the session displays green/red light on the check:
Example 3 |
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be used in Knowledge Advisor to define a rule that displays a warning message if a minimum distance between a wire and an object is smaller than a critical value chosen by the user. |
Running this rule displays the following message: |
Example 4 |
Still in Knowledge Advisor, an action can be defined using the DistanceWireProduct user function, to know the distance between a wire and an object selected in the specification tree: |
Run the action using the Action.1 contextual
menu: |
This message displays: |
ListAllOuterLayerObjects |
SyntaxListAllOuterLayerObjects (ElecBundleSegmentExtremity:Feature,Offset:Real,ListOfAllCoveringProducts(Protections/Supports):out List):Boolean Returns an ordered list of protective coverings and supports that cover
the bundle segment at the point of interest. |
ExampleA check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the protective coverings and supports at 150 mm from end 1 (Extremity 1) of the bundle segment is written as follows: |
ListDirectlyCoveredObjects |
SyntaxListDirectlyCoveredObjects((Protection/Support):Feature, ListOfCoveredProducts(BundleSegments/Protections/Supports): out List):Boolean Returns the list of bundle segments, protective coverings and/or
supports directly under the component (protective covering or support) you
want to analyze. |
A check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the list of bundle segments, protective coverings and supports under corrugated tube C is written as follows: Running this check returns:
ListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects |
SyntaxListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects ((BundleSegment/Protection/Support):Feature, ListOfCoveringProducts(Protections/Supports): out List):Boolean Returns the list of outer layers of protective coverings and/or supports
directly over the component (bundle segment, protective covering or
support) you want to analyze. |
A check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the list of outer layers that directly cover the bundle segment in the example is written as follows: Running this check returns:
ListUsedSupports |
SyntaxListUsedSupports ((BundleSegment/BranchableBundleSegment): Feature, ListOfSupports(Supports): out List): Boolean Returns the list of supports through which a bundle segment or multi-branchable document is routed. |
Example |
The example shows a multi-branchable document containing
two bundle segments, each routed through seven supports.
A rule (in KWE advanced language) to determine the number and names of the supports through which each bundle segment is routed is written as follows: Solving this rule returns:
ListUsedSupportWithAbscissa |
SyntaxListUsedSupportWithAbscissa (iBundleSegment:Bundle Segment, oSupportList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of supports in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the bundle segment from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each support. |
SyntaxListUsedSupportWithAbscissa (iBranchableBundle:Branchable Bundle Segment, oSupportList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of supports in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the branch from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each support. |
ExampleAn expert rule (created using Knowledge Expert) to determine the list of all the supports located along all segments in the document that also outputs support entry and exit point coordinates: |
VisualMode |
Syntax |
VisualMode (BundleSegment: Feature, Visualization Mode (LIGHT/FULL): String): Boolean |
Description |
This function is useful to minimize the size of the harness in LIGHT mode. It simplifies the visualization, the curve and the diameter only are represented, the rib being deleted. This function is only available for bundle segments belonging to multi-branchable documents. |
Example |
Create a rule in Knowledge Expert: Running this rule displays the harness in LIGHT mode: The rule is reversible: you can load a harness in LIGHT mode and reload the geometry by applying the rule with the FULL parameter: The harness is displayed in FULL mode: the rib is recreated: |
Working in LIGHT mode allows you to modify the route and
route wires but the split, transfer and add branch point commands are not
supported. |
ListIntSpliceWithAbscissa |
SyntaxListIntSpliceWithAbscissa (iBundleSegment:Bundle Segment, oIntSpliceList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of internal splices in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the bundle segment from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each internal splice. |
SyntaxListIntSpliceWithAbscissa (iBranchableBundle:Branchable Bundle Segment, oIntSpliceList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of internal splices in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the branch from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each internal splice. |
InstantiateInternalProtection |
SyntaxInstantiateInternalProtection (iBundleSegmentExtremity:BundleSegmentExtremity, ProtectionType:String, Length:Length, out oProtection:InternalProtection): Boolean Instantiates a light protective covering from a segment extremity with a given length. The Protection type can be InternalTape (light tape protective covering), InternalAdaptive (light adaptive protective covering), InternalCorrugate (light corrugated tube) or InternalFixed (light fixed diameter protective covering). The protective covering is instantiated in the document containing the segment extremity. |