Creating a Roughness Symbol

This task will show you how to create a roughness symbol.

Open the Roughness.CATDrawing document.

1. Click the Roughness Symbol icon from the Annotations toolbar.
  2. Select the attachment point of the roughness symbol. The roughness symbol position and orientation will be associative to this point.
  The Roughness Symbol dialog box is displayed.
The fields available in the Roughness Symbol dialog box depend on the standard used by the drawing, as defined by the administrator. The dialog box shown below corresponds to a ISO standard mode.

Symbols Definition
Surface texture
Surface texture and all surfaces around
All surfaces around
Lay approximately parallel to the line representing the surface 
Lay approximately perpendicular to the line representing the surface 
Lay angular in both directions
Lay multidirectional.
Lay approximately circular
Lay approximately radial
Lay particulate, non-directional, or protuberant
Basic surface texture
Material removal by machining is required
Material removal by machining is prohibited. 

3. Enter the required values in the various field(s).

4. Click OK. The roughness symbol is created.


5. If needed, modify the roughness symbol position by dragging it to the required location. Note that an extension line may be displayed between the roughness symbol and the element to which it is attached (providing this element is linear), depending on where you drag the roughness symbol.

  • By default, there is a 1 millimeter space between the geometry and the extension line, as well as a 1 millimeter space between the end of the extension line and the roughness symbol. Those spaces cannot be customized.
  • The roughness symbol default parameters are 1 for thickness and solid for line type. They cannot be customized.
  • If you have selected the Use style values to create new objects option in Tools> Options> Mechanical Design> Drafting> Administration tab, the Roughness Symbol dialog box is pre-filled with custom style values (as defined in the Standards Editor). In this case, Properties toolbars and the Tools Palette are disabled during the creation of the roughness symbol.
    On the other hand, if you have not selected this option, the Roughness Symbol dialog box is pre-filled with the last entered values (if any). In this case, Properties toolbars and the Tools Palette are active during the creation of the of the roughness symbol.
  • If you have selected the Use style values to create new objects option, you can reset the current style values in the Roughness Symbol Editor dialog box at any time using the Reset button.
  • At any time, you can modify the roughness symbol. For this, double-click the roughness symbol to be modified and enter the desired modifications in the displayed Roughness Symbol dialog box.
  • By default, the roughness symbol's orientation is determined according to the orientation of the line it is associated with. You can modify this orientation using the Invert button available in the Roughness Symbol dialog box.
  • When this is not already the case, you can link roughness symbol position and orientation to another element, see Making an Existing Annotation Associative.