This section provides information on working
with CGRs in a DMU context. This is the default document format used for
DMU sessions when working in Visualization mode and with the cache system.
This format is not suitable for design.
CGR stands for CATIA Graphical Representation. CGR files always have a
.cgr extension.
All MULTICAx Plug-in products convert native part data into CGR format.
When using CGRs, a representation of the geometry only is available; the
geometry is not available.
- Requires less memory
- Documents are lighter
- Considerably reduces the time required to load your data
For example, with the following
CATProduct document, you can easily check the difference between
the .Model document and the corresponding CGR file: |
With .Model: 6,708 MB |
With CGR: 670KB |
This may be useful when dealing with complex products or
assemblies involving large amounts of data.
- No design possible
- Relations between objects cannot be established because they are
based on design features. For example, in DMU Kinematics, you cannot
create joints because joints are built on design constraints.
- CGR documents can be inserted directly into DMU sessions
- They are generated automatically from exact geometry ( V4 Models,
CATParts...) when working with the cache system
- You can also generate CGR representations in certain DMU applications
and save them as CGR files, for example DMU Optimizer
Cache system concept: Two different modes are available when a
component (V4 model, V5 CATPart, V5 CATProduct, etc.) is inserted into a
DMU Navigator CATProduct document;
Using a cache system considerably reduces the time required to load your
data. The cache system is organized into two parts:
- Local cache: a read/write directory located locally on your
machine and used to store cgr files. The first time a component is
inserted, it is tesselated. This means that the corresponding cgr file is
computed and saved in the local cache as well as displayed in the document
window. The next time this component is required, the cgr file which
already exists (and not the original document) is automatically loaded from
the local cache. The user is normally responsible for the local cache.
- Released cache: a read-only cache that can be located anywhere on
your network.
Several directories can be defined for the released cache. If a cgr file
cannot be found in the local cache, the software browses the released cache
directories in their listed order to see if the cgr file is located in one
of them. If the cgr file is still not found, the component is tesselated
and the resulting cgr file is saved in the local cache. The site
administrator is normally responsible for the released cache.
A timestamp enables the verification that no modifications have been
made to a document since the generation of the corresponding cgr file found
in either of the above caches:
Timestamp: the date and hour at which the origin document was last
modified. If you activate the Check timestamp button, then
before a cgr file is loaded into a viewer, its timestamp will be checked to
verify that no modifications have been made to the document since the
generation of the cgr file. If you do not activate the Check
timestamp button, then a cgr file of a document will be loaded
without any verification of its time-wise coherence with the document.
The process used for loading data using the caches is as follows:
Please refer to Customizing Cache Settings in Customizing for DMU
Navigator section (DMU Navigator User's Guide)
- Design mode: A working mode in which
the exact geometry is available and documents (V4 models, V5 CATParts, V5
CATProducts, etc.) are inserted as is.
- Tessellation: The generation of a triangular mesh representation
of an object from a solid or surface.
- Visualization mode: A working mode in
which a representation of the geometry only is available and the
corresponding cgr file, if it exists, is inserted from the data cache.
- Cache System & multi-processors:
You can choose the creation of cache files in multi-process for this,
select the Multi-Process Visualization Mode with local cache
checkbox in Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Product Structure > Product
visualization. You also need to customize multi-process settings.
For more detailed information please read Customizing Product
Visualization Settings and Customizing Multi-Process settings.
DMU Applications
The following table lets you see at a glance what you can do with CGRs
in the various DMU applications, and lists in particular any restrictions
to working with CGRs in a DMU context.
Note: in DMU kinematics context, you cannot work on cgrs.
DMU Space Analysis
Commands |
CGRs and Run... |
Results as CGR... |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Distance and band analysis
Yes |
Band Analysis Results only |
Compare Products
Yes |
No |
2D Measure
No |
No |
Arc through 3 points
Yes |
No |
Measure Between |
Yes, except for measure
between points (1) (2)
No |
Measure Item
Yes, except for measure
properties of points (1) (2) |
No |
Measure Thickness
Yes |
No |
Measure Inertia
Yes |
No |
(1) Points
in edge limits, arc center and picking point selection modes are taken
into account (2) Exact / approximate measures on CGRs: exact
measures can only be obtained on canonical elements in Measure Between
and Measure Item commands; all other measures are approximate. |
DMU Optimizer
Commands |
CGRs and Run... |
Results as CGR... |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Swept Volume
Yes |
Yes |
Free Space
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Result of a merging operation
Yes |
Yes |
3D Cut
Yes |
Yes |
DMU Navigator
Commands |
CGRs and Run... |
Results as CGR... |
Annotated View
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
3D Annotation
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Translation or Rotation
Yes |
Yes |
Axis System Creation
Yes, except selecting a
sub-element |
Yes |
Point Creation
Yes, except selecting a
sub-element |
Yes |
Line Creation
Yes, except selecting a
sub-element |
Yes |
Plane Creation
Yes, except selecting a
sub-element |
Yes |
Cumulative Snap
Yes |
Yes |
Modify Sag
No, requires the part
document |
No |
Spatial Query
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Current Selection
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Reset Position
Yes |
Yes |
Init Position
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Color Action
Yes |
No |
Visibility Action
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Clash Detection
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Record Viewpoint Animation |
Yes |
Not Applicable |