Post Installation for 3d com Server on Windows

Designate a directory to store Snapshot documents

During the installation, this directory was specified in the step Data Directories Configuration. However, if you wish to change the location of your snapshot directory after the installation, you should do the following steps.
  1. Choose a filesystem which can grow to meet the storage requirements for all persistent snapshots made by 3d com users. For example, choose E:\Publish
  2. Edit the CATEnv environment file  ENOVIA3dcomEnvironmentName.txt  located in the directory 
          C:\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Dassault Systemes\CATEnv

    Change the CATW3PublishPath environment variable to E:\Publish . For example, set:
  3. Set the HTTP 'Views' alias to the directory you defined above as described in the Configure the HTTP server section below.


Designate a directory for saving information associated to shared WorkBooks

During the installation, this directory was specified in the step Data Directories Configuration. However, if you wish to change the location of your shared WorkBooks directory after the installation, you should do the following steps.
You must tell the system where you wish to save information associated to shared WorkBooks.
  1. Edit the CATEnv environment file  ENOVIA3dcomEnvironmentName.txt  located in the directory 
          C:\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Dassault Systemes\CATEnv

    Modify the variable CATSharedWorkbookPath to point to the desired directory.


Changing the default path for the remote file tree 

  1. Edit the CATEnv environment  file ENOVIA3dcomEnvironmentName.txt located in the directory

C:\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\
Application Data\Dassault Systemes\CATEnv

  1. Change the USER_HOME environment variable to the chosen drive or directory . 

For example, set:


Define the location of the Default Cache directory

The file  %install_path%\docs\java\  
designates the location at which data is temporarily downloaded. Its contents are deleted at the end of your Portal session. This file must be defined.

You must specify a directory per OS client. The access privileges to the specified directory must include the write privilege.



Note: All files written to the Cache during a Portal session are deleted at the end of the session.

Configure the HTTP server 

3d com requires an HTTP server on the server machine. 

  1. You must first configure the HTTP server.
  • Configure the mime type for dsar files:
    associate the dsar suffix to the mime-type application/octet-stream
  • Configure the mime type for exe files:
    associate the exe suffix to the mime-type application/octet-stream
  • Declare the 3d com alias
    Alias /enovia_portal/  %install_path%/docs/
    The URL to access 3d com will be http://server_name/enovia_portal
  • URL mapping configuration:
    Alias /Views/ Publisher_database_directory/
  • CGI configuration: declare the 3d com cgi-bin directory:
      ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ %install_path%/docs/cgi-bin/ 

Note: By default, some http servers provide a default cgi-bin alias. In this case, it is necessary after declaring the 3d com cgi-bin directory to deactivate that which was provided by default.

  • Declare the User Galaxy access:
    Alias /resources/ %install_path%/resources/
  1. The following  operation depends on the type of HTTP server you use:

on an Apache server or an IBM http server

add the suffix dsar to the mime.types line: application/octet-stream bin
add the suffix exe to the mime.types line: application/octet-stream bin
add the following lines to the  httpd.conf  configuration file:
Alias /enovia_portal/ %installation_path%/intel_a/docs/
Alias /Views/ "<installation_path>/Views/
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ %installation_path%/intel_a/docs/cgi-bin/

Example, in which 

  • the installation code unload directory was designated as:   /home/data/portal/
  • the installation was made on a machine running:   AIX

# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
# ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
# documents in the realname directory are treated as
# applications and run by the server when requested 
# rather than as documents sent to the client.
# The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as # to Alias.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/data/portal/aix_a/docs/cgi-bin/"
Alias /enovia_portal/ "/home/data/portal/aix_a/docs/"
<Directory "/home/data/portal/aix_a/docs">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Alias /Views/ "/home/data/portal/publish/"
<Directory "/home/data/portal/publish">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

on a Domino server

add the suffix dsar to the mime.types line: application/octet-stream bin
add the suffix exe to the mime.types line: application/octet-stream bin

add the following lines to the  httpd.conf  configuration file:
(The httpd.conf file is usually located under /etc/httpd. If the Domino Server is 
configured to run under the non default language, the httpd.conf file is located under /etc/httpd/config/language. For instance for the japanese language the file is /etc/httpd/config/Ja_jp/httpd.conf)
Pass /enovia_portal/* %install_path%/docs/*
Pass /Views/* Publisher_database_directory/*
Pass /resources/* %install_path%/resources/*
Exec /cgi-bin/* %install_path%/docs/cgi-bin/*

on a Netscape server

go to the Netscape Server Manager page

  • Select MIME types in Server Preferences. Then create a new type 
    with content-type application/octet-stream bin and suffix dsar
  • Select MIME types in Server Preferences. Then create a new type 
    with content-type application/octet-stream bin and suffix exe
  • URL mapping configuration: select in the item 
    URL configuration / URL mappings 
    the sub-item:
      Map a URL to a local directory

Enter the following values into the 2 fields:

  • URL prefix: enovia_portal
  • Directory to map to: enovia_portal

Repeat the operation with the following values:

  • URL prefix: Views
  • Directory to map to: Publisher_database_director
  • CGI configuration: select in the item CGI and Server Parsed HTML 
    the sub-item Specify a directory that will contain CGI programs only

Enter the following values into the 2 fields:

  • URL prefix: cgi-bin
  • CGI directory: enovia_portal
  1. Restart the HTTP server.


Configure the Orbix daemon launch 

You must have the Administrator privileges to launch the Orbix daemon.
  1. Run the command  %install_path%\code\bin\runOrbix.exe .

Optional: Copy the Administration WorkBook to a New WorkBook and remove elements from the Administration WorkBook 

Some companies might consider it undesirable that users modify the viewer settings defined by the Administrator. In that case, the following procedure should be followed:
  1. Create a new WorkBook (see Using WorkBooks in the Getting Started tutorial of the User Guide ), which you should rename appropriately (e.g. MyAdministrationBook).
  2. Click the Administration WorkBook.
  3. Select the Installation, Performance Analyser and Viewers Administration folders.
  4. Right-click and select Copy from the contextual menu.
  5. Click the new WorkBook you created in step 1 above.
  6. Right-click the Links folder and select Paste from the contextual menu.
    The Administration WorkBook contents are now duplicated in the new WorkBook.
  7. Edit the file %install_path%\docs\java\InstallProject.xml to correspond to those elements to which your company wishes to remove user access (e.g. to remove access to the Performance Analyzer and to the Viewers Administration, remove the lines in bold below):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SerializedData classname="com.dassault_systemes.catweb.bookmarktree.
<Tab NAME="">
<folder NAME="Installation">
<BOOKMARK NAME="Install application mode" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.nomad.controller.
<BOOKMARK NAME="Install nomad"
<BOOKMARK NAME="Portal Registration" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.base.catlet.
<folder NAME="Performance Analyser">
<BOOKMARK NAME="Performance Meter" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.perfmeter.PerfCATlet">
<folder NAME="Viewers Administration">
<BOOKMARK NAME="Administrate Local 3D Viewer" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.local3D.controller.
<BOOKMARK NAME="Administrate Remote 3D Viewer" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.remote.controller.
<BOOKMARK NAME="Administrate Local 2D Viewer" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.local2D.controller.
<BOOKMARK NAME="Administrate Remote 2D Viewer" url="bean://com.dassault_systemes.catweb.local2D.controller.


Users accessing 3d com will no longer have access to the removed elements of the Administration WorkBook. 


It is important to do these steps before any of your users access 3d com.

Your installation is now complete.