Installing 3d com Search on Windows

Verify that your machine will support 3d com MetaSearch

  1. Check your machine's operating system against the following table to verify that it will indeed support 3d com MetaSearch.

3d com 

3d com 

Solaris 8 H/W 05/03 Yes Yes
AIX 5.2 ML02 mini Yes Yes
HP-UX 11.11 (11i) Yes Yes
Windows XP Yes Yes


Installing 3d com MetaSearch on a machine other than the machine on which you installed the 3d com Server

If you are installing 3d com MetaSearch on a machine other than the machine on which you installed the 3d com Server, then you must first install the  3d com Navigator configuration.
  • Launch the 3d com Installation.
  • In the Select Software dialog box of the installation, you should choose the N3G configuration.


Note the following points during the installation of the 3d com Navigator configuration:

  • Choose an installation directory without any white space (i.e.: don't keep the default WindowsInstallPathx86 directory, but choose rather something 
    like C:\metasearch). This limitation will be fixed in a later release.  
  • Ignore the port number configuration dialog box for the backbone  
  • Don't choose to automatically start the Portal after the installation. The created icon 
    and menus are reserved for future use,  but are ineffective at this moment.


Note: If your 3d com MetaSearch will be on the same machine as the 3d com server, there is no need to install code as the necessary code has already been installed, assuming that your installation included the 3d com Navigator configuration.

Post Installation for 3d com MetaSearch 

Declare MetaSearch engines 

You must modify the file   %install_path%\startup\metasearch\driver.webl
to declare your search engines (e.g. your company's Intranet search engine, your partners' search engines, or commonplace Internet search engines).

// --------- Example ---------
example = [.
Name = "example",
RealName = "Example",
Checked = false,
Internal = false,
Technical = false,
Program = "",
ProgramURL = "",
Home = "",
Parameters = fun(Request)
[. search = Request .]
Init = fun(Results)
return Seq(Results, "a # br small");
Extract = fun(Answer)
var Result = [. .];
var Item = Elem(Answer, "a")[0];
Result.Title := Text(Item);
Result.URL := Str_Split(Item.href, ";")[1];
Result.Abstract := Text(Answer);
return Result;


  1. Copy / paste the definition of one of the pre-defined drivers in order to have a model for the creation of your driver definition.
  2. Modify the object name example to correspond to the identifier of your driver. 
  3. Modify the Name variable to be the object name surrounded by quotes.
  4. Modify the RealName variable to be the driver name as you wish it to appear on the screen in your MetaSearch menus.
  5. Modify the Checked variable to be:
  • true:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu to be pre-checked
  • false:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu not to be pre-checked
  1. Modify the Internal variable to be:
  • true:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu to appear in the list of Internal drivers 
  • false:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu not to appear in the list of Internal drivers (it will appear in the list of General drivers by default)
  1. Modify the Technical variable to be:
  • true:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu to appear in the list of Technical drivers 
  • false:  if you wish the entry in the MetaSearch menu not to appear in the list of Technical drivers (it will appear in the list of General drivers by default)
  1. Modify the Program variable to be the URL of the called program cgi.
  2. Modify the ProgramURL variable to be a concatenation of the above Program variable + the minimum argument required, e.g.: 
  • connect to the browser from your desktop
  • make a search
  • copy / paste the search string from the browser's URL field into your ProgramURL variable
  1. Modify the Home variable to be the URL home of your driver.

For the following three variables, you can consult the topic Markup Algebra  in the Compaq webl documentation which you'll find at the following location of your installation:


  1. Modify the Parameters variable to contain the search arguments of the ProgramURL in webl syntax.  
  2. Modify the Init variable to define the initialization function in webl syntax.
  3. Modify the Extract variable to define the extraction in webl syntax. 

For further information, consult the Compaq webl documentation:



Define proxy server

During the installation, the proxy server was specified in the step MetaSeach  Configuration. However, if you wish to change the name of the proxy server  after the installation, you should do the following steps.
The definition of this proxy enables 3d com users of MetaSearch to pass the firewall when using search engines that access the Internet.
  1. In the MetaSearch settings file
    customize the Proxy Preferences variables:

# Proxy preferences (use | to separate hosts)

  1. In the %install_path%\code\bin  directory of your installation, run the command

MetasearchServer  password  "login_name:login_password" 

where  login_name  is the 3d com proxy login name and 
            login_password is the 3d com proxy password.


Define mail server

During the installation, the mail server was specified in the step MetaSeach  Configuration. However, if you wish to change the mail server after the installation, you should do the following steps.
  1. Customize the MetaSearch settings file
    to define the mail server:
  • define the mail server machine name in the variable  metasearch.mailServer 
  • define the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) in the variable 


# Name of your mail server
# Port of your mail server

Designate the MetaSearch language

During the installation, the MetaSearch language was specified in the step MetaSeach  Configuration. However, if you wish to change the language after the installation, you should do the following steps.
  1. Customize the variable  metasearch.language  in the MetaSearch settings file  %install_path%\startup\metasearch\  to conform to the language used in your company, i.e.

for English: metasearch.language=en
for French: metasearch.language=fr
for German: metasearch.language=de
for Japanese: metasearch.language=ja
for Chinese: metasearch.language=zh


Customize optional MetaSearch settings

  1. Customize the optional settings in the MetaSearch settings file
    to conform to your company's needs.

    The following is a list of some of the settings you can customize:
  • MetaSearch language variable : metasearch.language
  • trace variables : metasearch.traces,  metasearch.stdOut
  • timeout variables : metasearch.timeout, metasearch.longTimeout, metasearch.shortTimeout, metasearch.time
  • proxy server variables : http.proxySet, http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.nonProxyHosts


  # ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
# Encoding (us-ascii, ISO-8859-1, etc.), default: current encoding
# en (English), de (Deutsche), fr (French) or jp (Japanese), default: en
# Print traces or no (true or false), default: true
# Print on screen or no (true or false), default: true
# Port that will be used by the MetaSearch Server, default: 8081
# Name of your mail server
# Port of your mail server
# Timeout for automatic searches (1000 = 1 second), default: 500000
# Timeout for downloads, default: 1000000
# Timeout for direct searches, default: 20000
# Time to launch the automatic search (XX:XX), default: 07:00
# E-mail address of the MetaSearch administrator
# Proxy preferences (use | to separate hosts)


Declaring the online help directory

In order that the search function correctly for the 3d com online Help option, you must declare the directory of your 3d com online documentation installation.
  1. Modify the file $install_path/startup/metasearch/ by setting the following value:


e.g. C:/Program Files/Dassault Systemes/EnvNameSuffixdoc/English/online

Note: All directory separators in the defined path should be slashes "/" (not backslashes "\").


Designate a directory to store MetaSearch subscriptions and archives

During the installation, the subscriptions and archives directories were specified in the step Data Directories Configuration. However, if you wish to change these directories after the installation, you should do the following steps.
By default, 3d com installation sets the MetaSearch subscriptions and archives destination directory to a default value, but since this directory may grow a lot with time, you should specify an appropriate directory.
  1. Choose a filesystem which can grow to meet the storage requirements for all persistent search subscriptions and archives. For example, choose C:\metasearch
  2. Edit the CATEnv environment  file ENOVIA3dcomEnvironmentName.txt located in the directory 
        C:\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\
         Dassault Systemes\CATEnv\

    by setting the CATMetaSearchPath environment variable to:
        CATMetaSearchPath =

Launch the Search server and the MetaSearch server

  1. To start the Search server, you must run the following command:
  • %install_path%\code\bin\SearchServer
  1. To start the MetaSearch server, you must run the following command:
  • %install_path%\code\bin\MetasearchServer
If you installed more than one application in the same installation directory, then it is imperative that when you launch the Search and MetaSearch servers that you also specify the ENOVIA environment.


MetaSearchServer.exe -env ENOVIA3dcomEnvironmentName.txt -direnv "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\

There now exists an option when launching the Search and MetaSearch servers that allows you to specify the complete server name.


  • %install_path%\code\bin\SearchServer servername
  • %install_path%\code\bin\MetaSearchServer servername



Launch the Search server if the default port 8089 is already taken

The Search server uses the port 8089 by default. If this port is already taken on the 3d com server machine, you will receive the message "The page cannot be found" when selecting either of the search motors Index of all snapshots or ENOVIA Portal online help, both of which are accessible via the Portal Links on the logon page.

To resolve this problem, you must declare the use of an available port (e.g. 8088) by modifying the file %install_path%\startup\metasearch\  to contain the proper value for the variable searchserver.snapshotsPort .
You must then re-launch the Search server.


Modifications to the MetaSearch and Search property files require the servers to be re-launched

Any modifications to the following properties files: 


or modification of the proxy username and password using 

will not be taken into account until the MetaSearch and Search server processes are  re-launched. See Launch the Search server and the MetaSearch server above.