Interface IQueryWS

Services supporting this interface:

Namespace: urn:com:dassault_systemes:ENOVWSQueryIntf:ENOVWSQueryIntf_ws:IQueryWS

Role: Interface for getting/querying objects.

WSDL Interface Document Relative Path: \resources\wsdl\ENOVWSQueryIntf\ENOVWSQueryIntf_ws\IQueryWS.wsdl

Operation Index

o GetObjects()
Retrieves the object(s) with the given identifiers.
o QueryCount()
Gets a count of the object(s) matching the given filter.
o QueryObjects()
Retrieves the object(s) matching the given select expression.


o GetObjects()
Retrieves the object(s) with the given identifiers.
Name Type Direction Nillable Description
iObjectIds {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}IdentifierArrayType in true The identifier(s) of the desired object(s).
iSelect {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}SelectExpression in true The objects and attributes to be returned on each object type.
oResult {urn:com:dassault_systemes:plmdataset:ENOVIA}ENOVIA in, out true Returned objects and attributes found with the given identifiers.
retval {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}Status out true Status of the query.
Name Type Description
error {urn:com:dassault_systemes:CATJWSInfra}CATServiceExceptionType Raised if an error occurs while processing the request
o QueryCount()
Gets a count of the object(s) matching the given filter.
Name Type Direction Nillable Description
iSelect {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}SelectExpression in true The select and where filter.
oCount {}int in, out false Returned count of matching objects.
retval {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}Status out true Status of the query.
Name Type Description
error {urn:com:dassault_systemes:CATJWSInfra}CATServiceExceptionType Raised if an error occurs while processing the request
o QueryObjects()
Retrieves the object(s) matching the given select expression.
Name Type Direction Nillable Description
iSelect {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}SelectExpression in true The select and where filter.
oResult {urn:com:dassault_systemes:plmdataset:ENOVIA}ENOVIA in, out true Returned objects and attributes found matching the given iSelect filter.
retval {urn:com:dassault_systemes:PPRGenericWS}Status out true Status of the query.
Name Type Description
error {urn:com:dassault_systemes:CATJWSInfra}CATServiceExceptionType Raised if an error occurs while processing the request

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