Option Explicit
'  Purpose     : Build of a simplified camshaft
'  Assumptions :
'  Author :
'  Languages   : VBScript
'  Locales     : English (United states)
'  CATIA Level : V5R6

'Number Of Cylinders
' ------------------
   Dim iNumberOfCylinders As Integer
' Shaft data
' ----------
    ' -- Shaft origin
    Dim iCenterX As Integer
    Dim iCenterY As Integer

    ' -- Distance between two cams of two different cylinders
    Dim iCylinderSpacing As Integer

    ' -- Bearing diameter
    Dim iBearingDiam As Integer

    ' -- Distance between the cylinders centers
    Dim iBearingLength As Integer

    ' -- Pin diameter between two cams
    Dim iPinDiam As Integer

    ' -- Distance between 2 cams of a single cylinder
    Dim iPinLength As Integer

' Cam data
' --------
    ' -- Thickness
    Dim iCamThickness As Integer

    ' -- Circle 1 diameter
    Dim iCircle1Rad As Integer

    ' -- Circle 2 diameter
    Dim iCircle2Rad As Integer

    ' -- Distance between the 2 circle centers
    Dim iCircleDist As Integer

' Pi definition
' -------------
    Dim dPi As Double

' Global data to define the different elements of the camshaft
' ------------------------------------------------------------
    ' -- Cam Sketch and cam Sketch elements
    Dim oCurrentSketch  As Sketch
    Dim oCurrentLine1   As AnyObject
    Dim oCurrentLine2   As AnyObject
    Dim oCurrentCircle1 As AnyObject
    Dim oCurrentCircle2 As AnyObject
    ' -- Current distance from shaft origin
    Dim iCurrentLevel As Integer

' Part definition
' ---------------
    ' -- Part 
    Dim oPart As Part

    ' -- Main tool of the part
    Dim oPartBody As Body

    ' -- Definition of YZ plane as work plane
    Dim oPlaneYZ As Reference

' **************************************************************************
' Main program
' **************************************************************************
Sub CATMain()

	' -- Initialize global variables
    iNumberOfCylinders = 4
    iCamThickness      = 15
    iCircle1Rad        = 25
    iCircle2Rad        = 15                               
    iCircleDist        = 35                               
    iCenterY           = 0
    iCenterX           = 0
    iCylinderSpacing   = 100
    iPinDiam           = 15                                           
    iPinLength         = 20                                         
    iBearingDiam       = 32
    iBearingLength     = iCylinderSpacing - iPinLength - 2*iCamThickness
    dPi                = 3.14159265358979323846
    iCurrentLevel      = 0

    Dim oPartDocument As Document
    Set oPartDocument = CATIA.Documents.Add ( "Part" )
    Set oPart         = oPartDocument.Part
    Set oPartBody     = oPart.MainBody 
    Set oPlaneYZ      = oPart.CreateReferenceFromGeometry( oPart.OriginElements.PlaneYZ )
    ' -- Shading view Mode
    CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.RenderingMode = 1

    msgbox "Create Five Bearings"
    Call CreatePatternBearing()

    msgbox "Create First Cam Set"
    Call CreateCamSet (0) 

    msgbox "Create Second Cam Set"
    Call CreateCamSet (90)

    msgbox "Create Third Cam Set"
    Call CreateCamSet (180)

    msgbox "Create Fourth Cam Set"
    Call CreateCamSet (270)

    msgbox "Create Driving Wheel"
    Call CreateCylinder (iPinLength/2, iBearingDiam )

    msgbox "This is the macro end"

End Sub

' **************************************************************************
' Purpose:   Defines the cylinders between cylinders
' Inputs :
' **************************************************************************
Sub CreatePatternBearing()

  ' Cylinder definition: Pad from a circular sketch
  ' -----------------------------------------------
    ' -- The YZ plane is the sketch plane
    Set oCurrentSketch = oPartBody.Sketches.Add ( oPlaneYZ )
    ' -- The sketch is a circle centered on shaft origin and of iBearingDiam diameter
    Dim oFactory2D as Factory2D
    Set oFactory2D = oCurrentSketch.OpenEdition 
    Set oCurrentCircle1 = oFactory2D.CreateClosedCircle ( iCenterX, iCenterY, iBearingDiam/2 ) 
    ' Creation of the cylindrical pad
    Dim oPad As Pad
    Set oPad = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewPad ( oCurrentSketch,  iBearingLength )

  ' Creating the pattern
  ' --------------------
    Dim originElements1 As OriginElements
    Set originElements1 = oPart.OriginElements

    Dim oRefPlaneXY As Reference
    Set oRefPlaneXY = oPart.CreateReferenceFromGeometry( oPart.OriginElements.PlaneXY )

    Dim rectPattern1 As RectPattern

    ' Definition of the pattern: 
    '   --  Element to be duplicated
    '   --  Number of instances in first direction
    '   --  Number of instances in second direction
    '   --  Spacing in first direction
    '   --  Spacing in second direction
    '   --  Direction 1
    '   --  Direction 2
    '   --  Angle

    Set rectPattern1 = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewRectPattern(oPad,                 _
                                                            iNumberOfCylinders+1, _
                                                            1,                    _
                                                            iCylinderSpacing,     _
                                                            0.0,                  _
                                                            1,                    _  
                                                            1,                    _
                                                            oRefPlaneXY,          _
                                                            oRefPlaneXY,          _
                                                            True,                 _
                                                            True,                 _

    ' -- Update of the current level
    iCurrentLevel =  iBearingLength

End Sub

' **************************************************************************
' Purpose:   Creation of a cam from an angle value
' Inputs :   angle:   The angle
' **************************************************************************
Sub CreateCam(angle)
    Dim dRad As Double
    dRad = angle*dPi/180
    Dim dDSin1 as Double
    dDSin1 = iCircle1Rad*sin(dRad)

    Dim dDCos1 as Double
    dDCos1 = iCircle1Rad*cos(dRad)
    Dim dDSin2 as Double
    dDSin2 = iCircle2Rad*sin(dRad)

    Dim dDCos2 as Double
    dDCos2 = iCircle2Rad*cos(dRad)
    Dim dCSin  as Double
    dCSin  = iCircleDist*sin(dRad)

    Dim dCCos  as Double
    dCCos  = iCircleDist*cos(dRad)
  ' Create a sketch 
  ' ---------------
    Set oCurrentSketch = oPartBody.Sketches.Add ( oPlaneYZ ) 

  ' Create base elements in the sketch
  ' ----------------------------------
    Dim oFactory2D As Factory2D
    Set oFactory2D = oCurrentSketch.OpenEdition

    Dim dRad1 As Double
    dRad1 = dRad - dPi/4

    Dim dRad2 As Double
    dRad2 = dRad + dPi/4

    Set oCurrentLine1   = oFactory2D.CreateLine   ( _
                           iCenterX - dDSin1,          iCenterY + dDCos1, _
                           iCenterX + dCCos + dDSin2,  iCenterY - dCSin + dDCos2  )

    Set oCurrentLine2   = oFactory2D.CreateLine   ( _
                           iCenterX + dDSin1,          iCenterY - dDCos1, _
                           iCenterX + dCCos - dDSin2,  iCenterY - dCSin - dDCos2 )

    Set oCurrentCircle1 = oFactory2D.CreateCircle ( _
                           iCenterX,                   iCenterY, _
                           iCircle1Rad,   dRad2,    dRad1)

    Set oCurrentCircle2 = oFactory2D.CreateCircle ( _
                           iCenterX + dCCos,           iCenterY + dCSin, _
                           iCircle2Rad,   dRad1,    dRad2)

  ' Get references from elements to constraint
  ' ------------------------------------------

    Dim oRefLine1 As Reference
    Set oRefLine1 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine1)

    Dim oRefCircle1 As Reference
    Set oRefCircle1 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle1)

    Dim oRefLine2 As Reference
    Set oRefLine2 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine2)

    Dim oRefCircle2 As Reference
    Set oRefCircle2 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle2)

    Dim oRefLine1StartPt As Reference
    Set oRefLine1StartPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine1.StartPoint)

    Dim oRefLine1EndPt As Reference
    Set oRefLine1EndPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine1.EndPoint)

    Dim oRefLine2StartPt As Reference
    Set oRefLine2StartPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine2.StartPoint)

    Dim oRefLine2EndPt As Reference
    Set oRefLine2EndPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentLine2.EndPoint)

    Dim oRefCircle1StartPt As Reference
    Set oRefCircle1StartPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle1.StartPoint)

    Dim oRefCircle1EndPt As Reference
    Set oRefCircle1EndPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle1.EndPoint)

    Dim oRefCircle2StartPt As Reference
    Set oRefCircle2StartPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle2.StartPoint)

    Dim oRefCircle2EndPt As Reference
    Set oRefCircle2EndPt = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oCurrentCircle2.EndPoint)

  ' Create constraints
  ' ------------------
    Dim oConstraints As Constraints
    Set oConstraints = oCurrentSketch.Constraints
    Dim oConstraint As Constraint

    ' -- Fix Circle1
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddMonoEltCst(catCstTypeReference, _

    ' -- Fix Circle2
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddMonoEltCst(catCstTypeReference, _

    ' -- Tangency Line1 Circle1
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeTangency, _
                                               oRefLine1,          _

    ' -- Tangency Line1 Circle2
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeTangency, _
                                               oRefCircle2,        _

    ' -- Coincidence Circle1 Start Point Line1 Start Point
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeOn,       _
                                               oRefCircle1StartPt, _

    ' -- Coincidence Circle2 End Point Line1 End Point
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeOn,     _
                                               oRefCircle2EndPt, _

    ' -- Tangency Line2 Circle1
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeTangency, _ 
                                               oRefLine2,          _

    ' -- Tangency Line2 Circle2
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeTangency, _
                                               oRefLine2,          _

    ' -- Coincidence Circle1 End Point Line2 Start Point
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeOn,     _
                                               oRefCircle1EndPt, _

    ' -- Coincidence Circle2 Start Point Line2 End Point
    Set oConstraint = oConstraints.AddBiEltCst(catCstTypeOn,       _
                                               oRefCircle2StartPt, _


  ' Create the Pad from the sketch
  ' ------------------------------
    Dim oPad As Pad
    Set oPad = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewPad ( oCurrentSketch,  iCamThickness + iCurrentLevel )
    oPad.SecondLimit.Dimension.Value = iCurrentLevel*-1
End Sub

' **************************************************************************
' Purpose:   Create a cylindric Pad
' Inputs :   thickness:   length of the cylinder
'            radius   :   radius of the cylinder
' **************************************************************************
Sub CreateCylinder(thickness, radius)
    ' -- Create a sketch 
    Set oCurrentSketch = oPartBody.Sketches.Add ( oPlaneYZ )

    ' -- Create base circle in the sketch
    Dim oFactory2D As Factory2D
    Set oFactory2D = oCurrentSketch.OpenEdition 
    Set oCurrentCircle1 = oFactory2D.CreateClosedCircle (iCenterX, iCenterY, radius) 

    ' -- Create the Pad from the sketch
    Dim oPad As Pad
    Set oPad = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewPad ( oCurrentSketch,  thickness + iCurrentLevel )
    oPad.SecondLimit.Dimension.Value = iCurrentLevel*-1

    ' -- Increase Level
    iCurrentLevel = iCurrentLevel + thickness

End Sub

' **************************************************************************
' Purpose:   Creation of the set of cams for a cylinder
' Inputs :   angle:   The angle between the set of cam and the Y Axis
' **************************************************************************
Sub CreateCamSet(angle)

    ' -- Create a cam
    iCurrentLevel = iCurrentLevel + iCamThickness

    ' -- Create a cylinder for the pin between cams
    Call CreateCylinder(iPinLength, iPinDiam)

    ' -- Create the other cam

    ' -- Increase level
    iCurrentLevel = iCurrentLevel + iBearingLength + iCamThickness

End Sub