Mechanical Modeler

Part Design

Patterning a Mechanical Design Form Feature

Implementing the CATIPrtManageFeatBuild interface
Use Case


This article discusses the CAAPriPattern use case. This use case explains how to manage the BuildShape method to allow a Mechanical Design Form Feature to be patterned.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you make your first steps in programming with Part Design. Its main intent is to allow you to manage the BuildShape method of the patterned feature.


Some Pattern Important Concepts

The pattern operation must only be applied to mechanical form features [1]. The shape of the pattern is computed from the geometry of each instance. Building the pattern includes:

In another use case [2], we show how to realize the implementation of the CATIBuildShape interface that manages the creation and storage of the procedural report. In the context of patterning, the procedural report is not stored because only the resulting geometry is required to create the pattern.

The topological operator called in the BuildShape method of the feature to be patterned takes as input the geometries generated from specifications. For example, in [2], the resulting geometry of the sketch is an input of the topological operator called. To be able to build the shape at the location defined by the pattern, we have to apply the transformation computed from the pattern to the geometries generated from the specifications of the feature to be patterned.

The pattern must be able to drive the BuildShape method of the feature to be patterned through the CATIPrtManageFeatBuild interface which allows the application to exchange data between the pattern and the feature to be patterned during the BuildShape execution. So this interface allows a feature which implements it to build its shape in or outside a pattern context. This interface must be implemented by all form features that can be patterned.


The CAAPriPattern Use Case

CAAPriPattern is a use case of the framework that illustrates PartDesign framework capabilities.


What Does CAAPriPattern Do

The goal of CAAPriPattern use case is to show how to manage the BuildShape method of the CATIBuildShape interface of a Mechanical Design Form Feature to allow this feature to be patterned. We illustrate this by enriching the CATIBuildShape implementation described for the CAAPriBuildUserPad use case [2].

The CAAPriPatternMain.m module contains a main program that creates a Part document, instantiates the CAAPriPatternPad StartUp, calls its Build method, saves the resulting Part document, and then patterns it using a 3x3 grid, and saves the result in a second Part document. Fig.1 shows the pad to pattern saved in the first Part document. Fig.2 shows the patterned pad saved in the second Part document.

Fig. 1 The Pad to Pattern
Fig. 2 The Patterned Pad


How to Launch CAAPriPattern

To launch CAAPriPattern, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAPriPattern along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [3].

Do not type the module name on the command line, but type:

CAAPriPatternMain e:\Parts\CAAPriPattern1.CATPart e:\Parts\CAAPriPattern2.CATPart



Where to Find the CAAPriPattern Code

The CAAPriPattern use case is made of two modules named CAAPriPattern.m and CAAPriPatternMain.m of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAAPriPattern.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are five logical steps in CAAPriPattern:

  1. Implementing the CATIPrtManageFeatBuild Interface
  2. Defining if the BuildShape Method Is Called in the Pattern Context
  3. Managing the Procedural Report in the Pattern Context
  4. Transforming the Geometries Generated from the Specifications
  5. Storing the Topological Journal and the Shape Computed

We will now comment each of these steps by looking at the code.


Implementing the CATIPrtManageFeatBuild Interface

class CAAPriEManageFeatBuild : public CATPrtManageFeatBuildExt

An adapter is provided to implement CATIPrtManageFeatBuild. To use it, you need to create a class that inherits from the CATPrtManageFeatBuildExt adapter. This class is named CAAPriEManageFeatBuild.

// To declare that the class 
// is a CodeExtension of (late type) PatternPad

#include "TIE_CATIPrtManageFeatBuild.h" // needed to tie the implementation to its interface

CAAPriEManageFeatBuild is a code extension of the feature PatternPad to pattern. No method of CATIPrtManageFeatBuild should be redefined.


Defining if the BuildShape Method Is Called in Pattern the Context

int CAAPriEBuildShapeToPattern::BuildShape()
  CATIPrtManageFeatBuild_var spManageBuild = this; 
  int pattern = !(spManageBuild->ReportNecessity()); // pattern = 1 for pattern context.

The BuildShape method is implemented by the CAAPriEBuildShapeToPattern class and includes variants depending on the context. The context mode is accessible from CATIPrtManageFeatBuild interface and stored in the variable pattern. This takes place just after retrieving the CATGeoFactory pointer.
pattern = 1
means the BuildShape method context is Pattern.


Managing the Procedural Report in the Pattern Context

  if (!pattern)

In pattern context, the scope deletion of the feature must not be performed. This takes place just after creating the procedural report.

  if (pattern)
    spManageBuild->SetOperand(ListSpec, ListKey);

The specifications used as operands to create the procedural report will be used to perform the shape of the pattern. It is necessary to store this information using the SetOperand method of CATIPrtManageFeatBuild. This takes place just after creating the topological journal.


Transforming the Geometries Generated from the Specifications

This step takes place just before creating the prism using the ::CATCreateTopPrism global function.

  CATBody_var spTransformBody = spProfileBody;
  if (pattern)
    // Retrieves the mathematical transformation computed by the pattern
    CATMathTransformation transfo = spManageBuild->GetLocalSketchTransfo();

In pattern context, the mathematical transformation computed by the pattern is retrieved thanks to GetLocalSketchTransfo method of CATIPrtManageFeatBuild.

    // Transformation of the geometry of the profile:

    // Creates a transformation operator and sets its attributes

    // The inputs of the topological operator
    CATSoftwareConfiguration* pSoftConfig = new CATSoftwareConfiguration();
    CATTopData topData(pSoftConfig, pCurrentJournal);
    CATDynTransformation *pTransformation = CATCreateDynTransformation(spGeoFactoryOnSolidCont,

    // Performs the transformation
    // Retrieves the resulting geometry
    spTransformBody = pTransformation->GetResult();
    delete pTransformation;
    pTransformation = NULL;

A CATDynTransformation is created with the appropriate parameters, that is, the factory, the body to transform, and the topological journal. At this step, the body to transform is the sketch. This CATDynTransformation instance is defined as a modification, and is assigned the retrieved mathematical transformation. Then it is run to apply it to the result geometries from sketches and other geometrical elements which influence the shape form. Then, its result is retrieved. This result is the patterned sketch of PatternPad.

    // Transformation of the pad direction

    CATAngle angle(0.);
    CATMathLine axis;
    CATBoolean isRotated = transfo.IsRotation(angle, axis);
    if (isRotated)
      direction = transfo * direction;

If the mathematical transformation is a rotation, get its axis and angle, and apply it to the PatternPad direction.

Then, the BuildShape method resumes to create the prisms using the transformed spTransformBody and direction using the ::CATTopCreatePrism global function.


Storing the Topological Journal and the Shape Computed

This takes place just after having created the prism.

  if (!pattern )
    // Stores the procedural report
    spReport->StoreProcReport(spSolid, NoCopy);

In the pattern context, the procedural report is not stored.

    // Sets the geometry performed
    // Sets the topological journal

However, the computed shape and topological journal must be stored because they are necessary to compute the shape pattern.


In Short

This use case has demonstrated the way to manage the BuildShape of the patterned feature.



[1] Form Feature and Contextual Feature Concepts
[2] Implementing a Mechanical Design Feature Building
[3] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.