CAA V5 Encyclopedia

Installing CAA CATIA V5 API Products

This task explains how to install the CAA CATIA API Configurations and Products for the first time on a single computer running Windows XP or UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, SOLARIS) operating systems.

Installation and de-installation rely on Windows-compliant tools enabling anyone familiar with Windows procedures and concepts to install the software without assistance.

From start to finish, this task should take approximately 15 minutes.
Before starting the CAA CATIA API Products installation, CATIA V5 must be installed.
To prevent the installation from hanging due to concurrently running programs such as screen savers or virus scanning programs, we recommend that you first shut down any such programs.
1. Log on as an administrator.

You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group. Otherwise, you will not be able to start the installation.

2. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive: if needed double-click on startcaa.exe (Windows) or launch start (Unix).

The Welcome dialog box is then displayed on a background window. Note that the screenshots illustrating the installation procedure were taken without the background window:

3. Click the Next button to move to the next step.

With UNIX, the CAA APIs can be installed either in the same directory than the code, or in a separate directory.

  • A first dialog box prompts you to enter the directory where you have installed CATIA V5R19
  • A second dialog box prompts you to enter the CAA APIs directory. You can use the same directory than for the code.

The Setup Type dialog box appears:

This dialog box lets you specify whether you want to install the CAA APIs of all the configurations/products you have installed from the CATIA CD-ROM, or select among those installed a subset of the configurations and/or products to be installed:

  • Complete: specifies you want to install the CAA APIs of all the configurations/products you have installed from the CATIA CD-ROM. Go to the next installation step (Step 7)
  • Custom: lets you choose the configurations and/or products for which you want to install the CAA APIs among configurations and/or products you have installed from the CATIA CD-ROM.

If you leave the Complete option checked, the list of all the configurations and products you have installed from the ENOVIA CD-ROM is displayed.

4. If you want to choose which configurations and/or products to install, check Custom and click Next to move to the next step.

The Select Software dialog box appears:

5. Choose whether you want to install configurations and/or products by using the list box provided.

Depending on what you choose, the list will display the names of all the configurations or products you have installed from the CATIA CD-ROM.

6. Click on the configurations and/or products to select them.

The selected configurations and/or products are listed in the Selected Software list.

The dialog box specifies the space available for the installation. Clicking on each configuration or product also specifies the amount of space required for installing those configurations or products; the space required is updated progressively as you select from the list.

In our example, we choose to install the KE1, PD1, and PDG products.

7. Click Next to display the Start Copying Files dialog box.

The central area lists the current settings you set in the previous steps:

  • CAA CATIA P3 V5R19
  • The selected configurations and/or products
  • The destination folder
  • The available and required disk spaces.

The result looks something like this (depending on which software you chose to install). Note that the dialog box reflects our choice to install the KE1, PD1, and PDG products.

8. Click Install to start copying the files to your computer.

A progress indicator appears, and an animated sequence starts showing you images. Once the product files have been copied, the Setup Complete dialog box informs you that the installation has been completed.

9. Click Finish to exit the installation program.
The CAA V5 Encyclopedia home page is available from the following locations:
  • <ROOT_INSTALLATION_PATH>\CAADoc\Doc\online\CAACenV5Default.htm

and will provide you with all necessary information helping you starting with and using CAA.

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