3D PLM Enterprise Architecture


Grid Contraint Layout

Define a complex layout using Grid Constraint
Use Case


This article shows how to define a complex layout using Grid Constraint.

What you will learn with this use case

This use case is intended to show you how to use Grid Constraint layout to define a complex layout.


The CAAGCUseCase use case

CAAGCUseCase is a use case of the CAAJDialog.edu framework that illustrates CATJDialog framework capabilities.


Use case overview

Here is a snapshot of the User Interface we want to build:


How to launch CAAGCUseCase

To launch CAAGCUseCase, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAJdgXMLModels.mj along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [1].

This use case is made of a unique JDialog command: "CAAGCUseCase"


Where to find the CAAGCUseCase code

The CAAGCUseCase use case is made of a single command, without any java controller (that means the command has no behavior). It uses the following resource files:

Grid Constraint Layout introduction

The JDialog CATFrame is the only widget that allows positioning its children widgets. It offers this capability through a Grid Constraint Layout implementation.

The Grid Constraint Layout is a flexible layout definition that aligns widgets vertically and horizontally, without requiring that the widgets be of the same size. It allows defining rectangular grid of cells, with each widget occupying one or more cells, called its display area.

Each CATFrame children widget is associated with a set of GC attributes that specify how it is laid out within its display area:

Note: obviously when a widget is horizontally justified, it's horizontal alignment has no real meaning (since it will spread horizontally through its entire display area).

Another information is required by the Grid Constraint Layout to distribute free space among cells. This is done by defining a weight on rows and columns: free space (if any) is then divided proportionally to columns and rows weight. Default rows and columns weight is 0.



Used widgets

Here is the detail of used widgets:


Layout definition on paper

Here is a drawing of how widgets are arranged on the panel:


Widgets hierarchy

The above drawing gives the following widgets hierarchy:

  |   |
  |   +--WebPartFrame
  |   |   |
  |   |   +--Tree
  |   | 
  |   +--WebPartFrame
  |       |
  |       +--Frame
  |           |
  |           +--Label
  |           |
  |           +--TextField
  |           |
  |           +--Label
  |           |
  |           +--DateEditor
  |           |
  |           +--Label
  |           |
  |           +--ComboBox
  |           |
  |           +--Label
  |           |
  |           +--CheckBox


Detailed GC layout frame by frame

We will now have a look into detail at the Grid Constraint layout definition for each frame of the user interface.


Detailed GC layout for the top frame

Here is a drawing of the detailed Grid Constraint definition for the top frame:




Detailed GC layout for the buttons frame

Here is a drawing of the detailed Grid Constraint definition for the frame containing the buttons:



Detailed GC layout for the middle frame

Here is a drawing of the detailed Grid Constraint definition for the frame containing the 2 WebPartFrames:



Detailed GC layout for the form frame

Here is a drawing of the detailed Grid Constraint definition for the frame containing the textfield, date editor, combo box and checkbox:



XMLDlg, Controller and CATNls files

Here is the XMLDlg file that defines the User Interface with required layout (CAAJDialog.edu/CNext/resources/dialog/CAAGCUseCase.XMLDlg):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Frame Name="LayoutSampleCtrl">
    <Link Name="HelpLink"/>
    <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="HelpLink" H="1" Y="0" X="0"/>
    <Link Name="HomeLink"/>
    <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="HomeLink" H="1" Y="0" X="1"/>
    <Toolbar Name="Toolbar" ModelURL="com.dassault_systemes.caajdialog.caajdgxmlmodels.CATXMLMenuModel@sample/JDialog/SampleToolbarMenu.xml"/>
    <GC A="RT" W="1" Name="Toolbar" H="1" Y="0" X="2"/>

    <Frame Name="MiddleFrame">
      <WebPartFrame Name="TreeWPFrame">
        <Tree Name="Tree" ModelURL="com.dassault_systemes.caajdialog.caajdgxmlmodels.CATXMLTreeModel@sample/JDialog/FoodTree.xml"/>
      <GC A="CM" W="1" Name="TreeWPFrame" J="HV" H="1" Y="0" X="0"/>

      <WebPartFrame Name="FormWPFrame">
        <Frame Name="FormFrame">
          <Label Name="TextfieldLbl"/>
          <GC A="RT" W="1" Name="TextfieldLbl" H="1" Y="0" X="0"/>
          <Label Name="DateEditorLbl"/>
          <GC A="RT" W="1" Name="DateEditorLbl" H="1" Y="1" X="0"/>
          <Label Name="ComboLbl"/>
          <GC A="RT" W="1" Name="ComboLbl" H="1" Y="2" X="0"/>
          <Label Name="CheckLbl"/>
          <GC A="RT" W="1" Name="CheckLbl" H="1" Y="3" X="0"/>
          <TextField Name="TextField" ExpectedFormat="."/>
          <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="TextField" H="1" Y="0" X="1"/>
          <DateEditor Name="DateEditor"/>
          <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="DateEditor" H="1" Y="1" X="1"/>
          <ComboBox Name="ComboBox">
	        <Item Title="item1"/>
	        <Item Title="item2"/>
	        <Item Title="item3"/>
	        <Item Title="item4"/>
	        <Item Title="item5"/>
	        <Item Title="item6"/>
          <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="ComboBox" H="1" Y="2" X="1"/>
          <CheckBox Name="CheckBox"/>
          <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="CheckBox" H="1" Y="3" X="1"/>
          <Column W="1" X="1"/>
          <Row W="1" Y="3"/>
      <GC A="CM" W="1" Name="FormWPFrame" J="HV" H="1" Y="0" X="1"/>
      <Column W="1" X="1"/>
    <GC A="LT" W="3" Name="MiddleFrame" J="HV" H="1" Y="1" X="0"/>

    <Frame Name="ButtonsFrame">
      <Button Name="OkButton"/>
      <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="OkButton" H="1" Y="0" X="0"/>
      <Button Name="ApplyButton"/>
      <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="ApplyButton" H="1" Y="0" X="1"/>
      <Button Name="CancelButton"/>
      <GC A="LT" W="1" Name="CancelButton" H="1" Y="0" X="2"/>
      <Column W="1" X="0"/>
      <Column W="1" X="2"/>
    <GC A="CT" W="3" Name="ButtonsFrame" H="1" Y="2" X="0"/>

    <Column W="1" X="2"/>
    <Row W="1" Y="1"/>


Here is the associated message catalog file in English (CAAJDialog.edu/CNext/resources/msgcatalog/CAAGCUseCase.CATNls):

// --- links titles
HelpLink.Title = "Help";
HomeLink.Title = "Home";

// --- web frame part titles
MiddleFrame.TreeWPFrame.Title = "Tree";
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.Title = "Form";

// --- form label titles
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.FormFrame.TextfieldLbl.Title = "Comment: ";
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.FormFrame.DateEditorLbl.Title = "Date: ";
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.FormFrame.ComboLbl.Title = "Status: ";
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.FormFrame.CheckLbl.Title = "Activity: ";
MiddleFrame.FormWPFrame.FormFrame.CheckBox.Title = "";

// --- buttons titles
ButtonsFrame.OkButton.Title = "Ok";
ButtonsFrame.ApplyButton.Title = "Apply";
ButtonsFrame.CancelButton.Title = "Cancel";



In Short

  1. Grid Constraint Layout is very powerful but far from being easy. A good advice is: start defining your applications layout on paper.
  2. Grid Constraint Layout gives several ways of defining the same layout.
  3. The layout definition involves 2 questions:



[1] Building and Launching a CAA V5 JDialog Use Case


Version: 1 [Jan 2002] Document created

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